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Audience: K-12; Ages 5-17    

Length: 90 mins, Half Day In-Person, LIVE Streamed OR Pre-Recorded

Description: Looking to maximise participation, skills & fun while following guidelines for COVID-19? No matter what your scenario looks like, this K-12 workshop will explore activities that you can use right away! In this presentation, concepts of physical literacy will be highlighted and participants will learn about the exciting resource; Focus on FUNdamentals that has 90 activities and serves as an easy-to-use planning guide for a challenging, fun and active learning environment. Many activities will be shared that build competence in fundamental movement and sport skills, foster confidence for feelings of success and increase motivation to maximise participation.

Audience: K-12; Ages 5-17    

Length: 90 mins, Half Day In-Person, LIVE Streamed OR Pre-Recorded

Description: Attend this session ready to be immersed in activities, ideas and techniques that promote the development of physical literacy and support student wellness. With this collection of invigorating, fun and student-centered activities, you'll be able to motivate your students to want to participate fully, while allowing for social connections in Physical Education and physical activity. Many resources will be shared and topics will span a wide-range of grade and interest levels. Come play, learn and share alongside with the PLAY Educator and walk away with a new resource and some tools for your toolbox!

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