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Where Have We Been?

Since 2016, we have impacted over 40,000 children and youth and over 9000 adults with physical activity, physical education and physical literacy programming and professional development.

Check out the schools and organizations who have booked us and what they have to say about their experience!

Edmonton, Alberta
Academy at King Edward
Athlone Elementary School

Aurora Academic Charter School
Balwin School
Bessie Nichols School
Bisset School
Cardinal Leger JH School
Christ the King School
Constable Daniel Woodall School
Corpus Christi School
Donnan School
École Marie Poburan School

Edith Rogers School
Father Michael Mireau School

Florence Hallock School
Glenora Child Care Society
Good Shepherd School

Homesteader School
Jan Reimer School
Jasper Place High School
John Paul I School

Julia Kiniski School
Kensington School

Killarney JH School
Kim Hung School
Lymburn School
Oliver School
Oscar Romero High School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Overlanders School
Parkview School
McKernan Child Care Society
McKernan School
Meadowlark Christian School
Michael Phair JH School
Northmount School
Notre Dame Elementary School

Richard Secord Out of School Care
St. Elizabeth School
St. Joseph High School
St. Kateri School

St. Mary Elementary Catholic School
St. Stanislaus Catholic School

Shauna May Seneca
Sir John Thompson School
Waverly School
Westmount JH School
W.P. Wagner High School
Youngstown Elementary School
St. Albert & Sturgeon County, Alberta
Albert Lacombe School
Alexandre Taché
Bellerose High School
Bertha Kennedy School
Bon Accord School
Camilla School
Elmer S. Gish School
Guthrie School
JJ Nearing School
Keenoshayo School
Military Family Resource Centre Daycare
Morinville Public School
Namao School
Neil M. Ross Catholic Elementary School
Notre Dame Elementary School
Ochre Park School
Redwater School
Ronald Harvey Out of School Care
St. Albert Preschool
Servus Place Spring Break Camps
SIGIS Child Care
Sister Alphonse Academy School
Sturgeon Heights School
Vital Grandin School
Wild Rose Elementary School
Red Deer & Central Alberta
Christ-King Catholic School, Stettler
E.H. Walter School, Paradise Valley
G.W. Smith School, Red Deer
Holy Family School, Red Deer
École Mallaig School, Mallaig
École Our Lady of the Rosary, Sylvan Lake

New Sarepta School, New Sarepta
Ryley School, Ryley
St. Patrick School, Camrose
Spruce Grove & Stony Plain, Alberta
Graminia School, Spruce Grove
Forest Green Elementary School, Stony Plain
Stony Plain Central, Stony Plain
Sherwood Park & Leduc County, Alberta
A.L. Horton School
Ardrossan School
Brentwood School
Ecole Beau Meadow School
Ecole Corinthia Park
Ecole Parc School
FR Haythorne JH School
Glen Alan School
Hockey Alberta
Madonna Catholic School
Midget AAA Mens Kings Hockey Team
Midget AAA Maple Leafs Hockey Team

Mills Haven School
New Humble Centre, Calmar
Notre Dame Elementary School
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School

Pine Street School
Sherwood Heights School
Sherwood Park Surge U14AA Ringette Team
24th Sparks Club
Northwest & Northeast of Edmonton, Alberta
cole Notre Dame Elementary, Bonnyville
École St. Mary School, Whitecourt
Landing Trail Intermediate School, Athabasca
Mary Bergeron School, Edson

Slave Lake Parks & Recreation 
St. Mary of the Lake School, Slave Lake
St. John XXII, Fort Saskatchewan
Swan Hills School, Swan Hills

Vanier Community Catholic School, Edson
Westhaven School, Edson

Win Ferguson School, Fort Saskatchewan
APPEC Asia, Hong Kong International School 
ConnectedPE Conference, Dubai, UAE
National PE Institute, UNC Asheville, USA
The International School of Macao
Universal American School, Dubai, UAE
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