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Audience: K-12; Ages 5-17    

Length: 90 minutes, 2 Hours or Half Day

Description: Bring your P.E. program to life with dances that develop physical literacy and fundamental movements skills! Forget 5-6-7-8 or intimidating routines and learn simple moves from a variety of music styles - Hip Hop, Urban, Ballroom, Bollywood, Jazz/Funk and sports themes (basketball, volleyball, outdoor ed. and more!) Discover a new instructional style that fosters acceptance and diversity by building self-confidence, maximizing participation and promoting interACTIVE learning.

Audience: K-12; Ages 5-17    

Length: 90 minutes, 2 Hours or Half Day

Description: Get ready to move, wiggle, boogie and get playful as you learn 10 simple songs guaranteed to get students K - Grade 6 moving! Inspired from a variety of dance styles from around the world (African, Indian, Chinese, First Nations and more) you’ll discover easy and fun moves and combos that develop Fundamental Movement Skills while fostering positive mental health and social skills.

Audience: K-12; Ages 5-17    

Length: 90 minutes, 2 Hours or Half Day

Description: Well-being is a positive sense of self, spirit and belonging that students feel when their cognitive, emotional, social and physical needs are being met. In this interACTIVE workshop, access a simple progression of lesson plans that use movement, music and a variety of “tried-and-tested” reflection tools to address the Four Domains of Well-Being in your classroom!


* ALL DANCEPL3Y workshops are designed by Melanie Levenberg of PL3Y Inc.  For more information visit:

Teaching Dance for Understanding (TDfU)

Audience: K-12; Ages 5-17    

Length: Half Day or Full Day

Description: The TDfU Workshop is designed to support teachers in providing quality dance education for students in K to 12 to ensure they develop positive attitudes towards dance and active living. TDfU is an inquiry-based teaching model that brings dance to life through the 6 Key Phases: Dance as a Playful Experience, Dance Appreciation, Developing Connections, Creative Exploration, Skill Refinement, Dance Performance. During this workshop, teachers will explore the 6 Phases of the TDfU model through “PLUG-and-PLAY” Lesson Plans, featuring a range of Top 40 songs students love and a mix of music genres from around the world

* This workshop is designed by Melanie Levenberg of PL3Y Inc.  For more information visit:

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